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Page 1
  • Intro
  • Feasibility Summary
  • Income
  • Outgoings

Page 2

  • Land
  • Construction
  • Consultants
  • Local Authority
  • Finance Costs
Page 3
  • Titling
  • Selling
  • Miscellaneous
  • Reversionary
Page 4
  • Results
  • Costs Summary
  • Summary
  • Analysis Summary
  • Sensitivity
  • Cash Flow Summary

Overview of STANSYS™ Version 5


The purchase price or nominated value of the Project is simply inserted in the next window. It can be entered as a lump sum or a rate per area for a nominated quantity. Stamp Duty is automatically calculated or if the land is held can be deleted. Legal fees and any other costs such as joint venture documentation costs etc are included.

The timing of payment of any land costs is easily included.


The Standard Default Items under this heading of expense include Contingency Allowance, Construction and Demolition and Clearing. Again this is infinitely variable with the following examples provided if All Default Items are selected:

  • You select the manner in which this cost item is likely to be paid, by a lump sum, S-Curve etc and the timing of such payments.

Our unique S-Curve feature utilises a highly sophisticated trinomial and quadratic time and expenditure model originally created by the British Department of Works in the 60's. Three years of development by our in-house Doctors of Mathematics (PhD) has created what we believe to be the most accurate, flexible and totally up to the minute with international construction trends prediction and re-prediction model available. No other system has this capacity.

The option exists to nominate a period of months till Construction commencement and an amount by which the Construction cost is likely to escalate per month until that time.

Our system is powerful enough to insert your Quantity Surveyors detailed cost schedule by individual item for the largest job.


There is complete freedom to nominate as many or as few Consultants as are required to complete the Project. Structural Engineer, Architect and Project Manager appear in the Standard Default Items. All Default Items include such other Consultants as:

Consultants fees can be input as a % of the Construction total or a $ amount.

Again there is ultimate flexibility in the choice allowed as to timing of payment. Select between Single Payments, Equal Payments, Periodic Payments or a Consultants option which allows you to pay a nominated % of the particular Consultants fees in a given month with the balance then remaining as you choose or negotiate.


Enter the estimated or known costs under this head into the following optional categories (or create your own):

Choose to enter as much or as little detail regarding the frequency and timing of payment of any cost item. If you do not enter any timing details, it will not effect your feasibility. It is suggested that you include this information under all headings so that the most useful cash flow applicable to the project can be automatically generated on completion of entry of the feasibility data described above and below.

This is not critical as the information can very easily be entered or manipulated within the cash flow itself.


All Default Items under this heading include:

At the risk of being repetitive, there is again, ultimate flexibility in so far as how little or how much information you enter in relation to the timing and method of payment of any particular item.

Interest is automatically calculated for the life of the project on the Total Project Costs less any Capital contribution made to the development.

Interest is input in an extremely user friendly manner by simply selecting the Rate, Type (capitalised or interest only) and the period (of months) for which each of Land, Development and Construction will be held and undertaken respectively.

An option exists to provide for Holding Costs for a specified period.

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STANSYS™ is a Registered Trademark of Standard Analysis Systems Pty Ltd.

This site was last updated: Tuesday, 20 November, 2001