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Page 1
  • Intro
  • Feasibility Summary
  • Income
  • Outgoings
Page 2
  • Land
  • Construction
  • Consultants
  • Local Authority
  • Finance Costs

Page 3

  • Titling
  • Selling
  • Miscellaneous
  • Reversionary
Page 4
  • Results
  • Costs Summary
  • Summary
  • Analysis Summary
  • Sensitivity
  • Cash Flow Summary

Overview of STANSYS™ Version 5


Next enter any items of cost known or anticipated under the following options. If none exist it is very easy to delete this group. The final results will not print any items under a heading that does not have $ values inserted as costs.

Again elect whether to include as little or as much information regarding method and timing of payment, as you wish either at this stage or prior to generating your cash flow, which relies on this information for its accuracy.


STANSYS™ takes special care to ensure that you have properly considered and accurately represent your intentions regarding this most important aspect of any development.

Under three sub-headings all issues are thoroughly dealt with starting with Marketing which includes the known or estimated cost of Brochures and Advertising, Pre-Sale with sub-headings such as Lease Legals, Incentive Lease Commission, Tenant Incentive, Advertising fees and Acquisition fees.

Finally there is Post Sale which, unless you design it otherwise, consists of Legals for end sale, Sales Commission and Incentive Sales Commission.

All items can be input as a % (of the sale price or rental income in the case of sale and leasing commissions) or as a $ amount.


Any category of expense that has not yet been input can be nominated and input at this window in a similar manner.


Finally you can look at your development from the position of either the purchaser from you (at the sale price) or as a proposition to hold.

Enter the Purchase Price and Stamp Duty (automatically calculated or manually input) and Legal Fees to buy the completed development.

Enter the method of Rental Review (CPI, Annual Growth, Market etc), any Vacancy Factor anticipated, the estimated rate of CPI and Annual Growth and any Cost of Sale.

Nominate the number of Years that the project might be held and project a yield at sale (ie at the end of the years held). STANSYS™ will automatically provide information such as Annual Net Rental, Gearing on Completion, and Exit Sale Price based on the information entered.

Additionally you are able to see the following results based on the above inputs:

  • Reversionary Yield
  • Reversionary Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
  • Reversionary IRR Annualised
  • Reversionary Yield on Capital
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STANSYS™ is a Registered Trademark of Standard Analysis Systems Pty Ltd.

This site was last updated: Tuesday, 20 November, 2001