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Page 1

  • Intro
  • Feasibility Summary
  • Income
  • Outgoings
Page 2
  • Land
  • Construction
  • Consultants
  • Local Authority
  • Finance Costs
Page 3
  • Titling
  • Selling
  • Miscellaneous
  • Reversionary
Page 4
  • Results
  • Costs Summary
  • Summary
  • Analysis Summary
  • Sensitivity
  • Cash Flow Summary

Overview of STANSYS™ Version 5

STANSYS™ is a highly sophisticated yet easy to use and extremely powerful computer software tool specifically designed for the property industry whilst it also has a broad business application.

STANSYS™ has been designed by property experts over the last 15 years and is now in its fifth version. It is available in 2 versions, Professional and Lite.

Whether you are a Property Developer or and Investor, short or long term, one Stage or multiple Stages, STANSYS™ will quickly and easily determine every conceivable aspect of your property related development or investment.

We comfortably claim to have designed the most accurate, flexible and powerful feasibility and cash flow program currently available anywhere in the world.


  • For a development you simply start by inputting the following information into a new Feasibility window:
  • Nominate a Project Start date,
  • Elect to run the project in weekly or monthly intervals,
  • Nominate the State in which the development is situated so that Stamp Duty can be automatically calculated,
  • Name the Stage of the development (if there is more than one),
  • Insert the name of your client if Project Managing or alternatively the development entity,
  • Describe the development yourself or select from a multiple of choices including:
  • Give your Job a reference number if you wish,
  • Make any notes/assumptions that you might want to about the Feasibility that you are about to create,
  • You then need to insert some default items.
  • You have an unheard of degree of flexibility in the design of your Feasibility however for the purpose of this overview we will deal with the Standard Default Items. Virtually unlimited line items can be inserted in each field.

Having entered the above very rudimentary information you are asked to create your Feasibility and are led to the Results Page of the main Feasibility window for your newly created Project.

The design of your Project now takes shape with the entering of the amount of Capital that is to be invested (before borrowing's) in the Results window before proceeding to enter your Project data under the following Standard Default Items:-


Income is input as either Rental Income or Capital Income. This window allows you to fully summarise the information available at the time of creation of the feasibility and to add as much detail as you can imagine regarding these income sources at any time.

You can specify all issues relating to the length and timing of all payments, increases and the manner of increase etc. Different yields can be applied to any number of rental income streams.

If you do not intend at this time to subsequently create a cash flow, the information that you enter can be as rudimentary as Quantity and Rate resulting in a Projected income for each source of Rental or Capital Income.

Alternatively to the right of the screen you have the option to include detailed information regarding the timing of receipt of your income by each individual source. For Rental Income insert Start (the month that rent commences) Length and Period. Then enter the Term, RFP and method of increase (CPI%, Growth, Min%, Max% and Review Type.


Outgoings are either recoverable or non-recoverable so naturally both options are available with the obvious impact on a calculation of the Annual Net Rent. The Standard Default Items (again infinitely variable) include:

  • The option exists to specify these outgoings as a fixed % of the income or a $ value and to specify the timing of payment.

Sufficient information has now been entered for STANSYS™ to calculate the Gross Rental Income, any Non-Recoverable Outgoings and therefore the Annual Net Rental, the Total Sale Price (based on your nominated yields) and any Capital Income to arrive at Total Income.

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STANSYS™ is a Registered Trademark of Standard Analysis Systems Pty Ltd.

This site was last updated: Tuesday, 20 November, 2001