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Page 1
  • Intro
  • Feasibility Summary
  • Income
  • Outgoings
Page 2
  • Land
  • Construction
  • Consultants
  • Local Authority
  • Finance Costs
Page 3
  • Titling
  • Selling
  • Miscellaneous
  • Reversionary

Page 4

  • Results
  • Costs Summary
  • Summary
  • Analysis Summary
  • Sensitivity
  • Cash Flow Summary

Overview of STANSYS™ Version 5


The all-important Results window allows you to overview all of the above inputs.


The first thing you will notice is a one figure summary of each of the above heads of cost - Land, Construction, Consultants, Local Authority, Titling, Finance, Marketing, Pre-Sale, Post Sale, Miscellaneous and Holding to arrive at Total Project Cost.


This figure (Total Project Cost) can then be seen at the very top of the screen followed by Total Sale Revenue.

Total Sale Revenue is the sum of your Rental Income at the nominated yield and any Capital Income (or a combination of neither or both).

The Profit on Sale in then clearly displayed as a figure and as a % Return on Cost.

If you have not contracted to purchase or purchased the Land by checking the box next to Profit and Risk and then nominating a desired Return on Cost, STANSYS™ will automatically change the Land cost to the $ value that can be paid to achieve the desired Return on Cost.

Your Return on Cost is then shown on an Annualised basis.

Return on Capital is shown for the nominated life of the project and on an Annualised basis.


The Annual Net Rental and Av Capitalisation Rate and any Capital Income are clearly shown so that you can easily confirm that the Total Sales Revenue (based on these figures) is accurate.

You will have nominated the amount of Capital to be invested earlier in the set up. Here is your chance to clearly and instantaneously view the effects of increasing, decreasing or even deleting (100% debt) this sum.

IRR, IRR Annualised, IRR on Capital Invested and IRR on Capital Annualised all appear here for ease of reference. These key indicators of the performance of your project.

You can quickly see Gearing on Completion ($), Gearing Ratio on Costs (%) and Gearing Ration on Sale Price (%). This very powerful feature allows you to view your project from the Lenders perspective whether you are borrowing on the basis of the cost of the project or its likely end value.

By changing the Capital Invested option in this screen you can instantly see the effect on you and your lenders gearing ratios.


A critical factor in any development is the effect that any variation in either Yield (%) or Capital Income ($) will have on your Profit on Sale. You simply select increments by which you expect Yield (%) or Capital Income ($) to vary and watch the difference that your chosen increment makes to the Profit on Sale.


Once you are comfortable with the feasibility that you have created and in particular the timing options that appear in each of the windows described above it is a very simple process to create a cash flow for your project.

Select Tools and the Generate Cash Flow. A window will appear entitled Step 1, Confirm Project Length. Under headings of Land Settlement, Documentation and Construction appear headings of Start (the month/year each of the heading items is scheduled to commence), Duration (in months or weeks dependent on your Options setup) and Finish (scheduled month/year).

These periods are automatically generated from your inputs made into the Finance window described within the feasibility summary above.

Step 2 is confirmation of your Start Date, Project Length, Project Name, Client, Description and Job No. At this step you can vary any of these inputs which in the first instance are automatically generated from the information input into the feasibility.

Step 3 is Cash Flow Inputs. You can vary or accept the Initial Capital Invested which again is automatically taken from the feasibility.

Depreciation Value allows you to input an amount on which you estimate depreciation will be claimed and then Depreciation Rate allows you to input a % rate at which depreciation will apply to the inserted amount. A Starting Period (month or week) in then selected for depreciation to commence.

As for the Feasibility, the Cash Flow automatically presumes that you are borrowing the Total Project Cost less Initial Capital Invested. You must confirm the Interest Rate that you expect to pay on this sum and whether interest will be Capitalised or Interest Only.

If you wish to see Profit after Tax insert the Tax Rate applicable to your entity/client and tax will automatically be calculated at the selected rate on Profit after Depreciation.

Select or de-select the box entitled Only generate items that have a projected figure and you are ready to select Generate.

The cash flow appears with similar headings, now referred to as Rows as the various options that you have included within your feasibility. In other words you will see each item of expenditure

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STANSYS™ is a Registered Trademark of Standard Analysis Systems Pty Ltd.

This site was last updated: Tuesday, 20 November, 2001